Nicole Isbell

Chapter 1 Exercises

Results Reporter: Chapter 1, Exercise 1
Out of 7 questions, you answered 7 correctly with a final grade of 100%
7 correct (100%) 

Results Reporter: Chapter 1, Exercise 2
Out of 10 questions, you answered 10 correctly, for a final grade of
10 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 1, Exercise 3
Out of 10 questions, you answered 10 correctly, for a final grade of
10 Correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 1, Exercise 4
Out of 10 questions, you answered 10 correctly with a final grade of 100%
10 Correct (100%)

Chapter 2 Exercises

Results Reporter: Chapter 2, Review MC Exercise
Out of 5 questions, you answered 5 correctly with a final grade of 100%
5 correct (100%) 

Results Reporter: Chapter 2, Exercise 1
Out of 4 questions, you answered 4 correctly with a final grade of 100%
4 correct (100%) 

Results Reporter: Chapter 2, Exercise 2
Out of 4 questions, you answered 0 correctly, for a final grade of 0%
4 ungraded (100%

1)Mode of discourse: description
Dominant Impression- It's describing the landscape of Amotape and how it's
dry, gray, and the sun beats down on everything.

2)Mode of discourse: description
Dominant Impression- A mountain with many appeals, but over all it is huge
and mysterious.

3)Mode of discourse: exposition
Dominant Impression: Johnny Appleseed spent his life planting thousands of
apple trees across the country.

4)Mode of discourse: description and narration
Dominant Impression: Republicans and Free Staters fought a civil war on a
dark June night.

Results Reporter: Chapter 2, Exercise 3
Out of 3 questions, you answered 3 correctly, for a final grade of 100%
3 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 2, Exercise 4
Out of 3 questions, you answered 3 correctly with a final grade of 100%
3 correct (100%)

Results Reporter Practice Test, Chapters 1-2

Out of 27 questions, you answered 25 correctly, for a final grade of 93%.
25 correct (93%)
2 ungraded (7%)

26)My answer:  It knew to eat meat.

27)My answer:  It was already eating some meat now and eventually that could
lead to eating human meat.

Chapter 3 Exercises

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Multiple Choice Exercise 1-A
Out of 3 questions, you answered 3 correctly with a final grade of
3 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Multiple Choice Exercise 1-B
Out of 4 questions, you answered 4 correctly with a final grade of 100%
4 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Multiple Choice Exercise 2-A
Out of 3 questions, you answered 3 correctly with a final grade of 100%
3 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Multiple Choice Exercise 2-B
Out of 8 questions, you answered 8 correctly with a final grade of 100%
8 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Exercise 1
Out of 1 questions, you answered 1 correctly, for a final grade of 100%.
1 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Exercise 2
Out of 6 questions, you answered 6 correctly, for a final grade of 100%.
6 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Exercise 3
Out of 4 questions, you answered 4 correctly, for a final grade of 100%.
4 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 3, Exercise 4
Out of 8 questions, you answered 8 correctly, for a final grade of 100%.
8 correct (100%)

Chapter 4 Exercises

Results Reporter: Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Exercise 1
Out of 3 questions, you answered 3 correctly with a final grade of 100%
3 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Exercise 2
Out of 8 questions, you answered 8 correctly with a final grade of 100%
8 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Exercise
Out of 4 questions, you answered 4 correctly with a final grade of 100%
4 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 4 Review MC Exercise 1
Out of 7 questions, you answered 7 correctly with a final grade of 100%
7 correct(100%)

Chapter 5 Exercises

Results Reporter: Chapter 5 Short Answer Exercise 1
Out of 20 questions, you answered 20 correctly, for a final grade of
20 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 5 Short Answer Exercise 2
Out of 14 questions, you answered 11 correctly, for a final grade of 79%.
11 correct (79%)
3 ungraded (21%)

Results Reporter Practice Test, Chapters 1-5

Out of 28 questions, you answered 24 correctly, for a final grade of 86%.
24 correct (86%)
4 ungraded (14%)

13)My answer:  The author says Las Vegas is a boomtown because so many people
go there thinking that's where there American dreams come true.

23)My answer:  Sentence one is stating how chocolate is viewed so differently
in the medical field. Sentence two claims that there a some doctors who think
its an anti-depressant and sentence three is saying doctors don't find that
true. All three sentences vary in opinion of what chocolate does.

27)My answer:  It suggests that LA is a humming, smoking, and an always
changing machine.

28)My answer:  The living language changes and that we must have similar
languages to understand one another.

Chapter 6 Exercises

Results Reporter: Chapter 6, Multiple Choice Exercise
Out of 2 questions, you answered 2 correctly with a final grade of 100%
2 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 6, Review MC Exercise
Out of 4 questions, you answered 4 correctly with a final grade of 100%
4 correct (100%)

Results Reporter: Chapter 6, Short Answer Exercise 1-5
12 ungraded (100%)

1)My answer:  "Comely" just doesn't sound like what it means good looking. A
better choice would be "handsome."

2)My answer:  "Merely" isn't the greatest word to use in this sentence. A
better choice would be "purely" or "solely."

3)My answer:  "Childishness" seems harsh and negative. A more appropriate
word would be "youngness" or "puerility."

4)My answer:  "Brittle" doesn't sound as good as "fragile" or

5)My answer:  “Smoothness" doesn't portray the meaning in this sentence as
"level" or "flat" would.

6)My answer:  "Lean" sounds more appropriate when your talking about which
meat to buy at the store, a better word for this sentence would be "thin."
"Fattened her up" doesn't sound as good as "built her up."

7)My answer:  "Spurn" doesn't sound like it fits in that sentence compared to
"ignore" or "decline."

8)My answer:  "Healed" is more appropriate for a open wound or broken bone.
"Cured" or "improved" my headache sounds better.

9)My answer:  "Retort" means snappy answer so this doesn't fit with this
sentence since it describes the girl as quiet and hesitant voice. A better
choice would be "reply" or "response."

10)My answer:  "Mannish" sounds harsh in this sentence talking about the boy
named Jack. A more appropriate word would be "manly."

11)My answer:  "Interrogates" sounds more appropriate in a sentence about
policeman asking a suspect questions. A better choice would be "asks."

12)My answer:  "Pined" doesn't sound as good as "desired" or "craved" for a
thick, juicy hamburger.

Chapter 7 Exercises

Results Reporter Chapter 7, Review MC Exercise
Out of 6 questions, you answered 6 correctly with a final grade of 100%
6 correct (100%)

Results Reporter Chapter 7, Short Answer Exercise 1
Out of 6 questions, you answered 5 correctly, for a final grade of 83%.
5 correct (83%)
One ungraded (17%)

My answer for the second question:  Topic: One species to another vary in the
way of mode and dominance. Idea: It is an interesting fact about carnivores.

Results Reporter Chapter 7, Short Answer Exercise 2
Out of 7 questions, you answered 7 correctly with a final grade of 100%
7 correct (100%)

Results Reporter Practice Test, Chapters 6-7

Out of 22 questions, you answered 17 correctly, for a final grade of 77%.
17 correct (77%)
5 ungraded (23%)

10)My answer:  People being civilized to one another is growing less and less
especially when it comes to war.

11)My answer:  The metaphor intended to emphasize how high the rubble

14)My answer:  That acne is something that is on your skin and can leave
scars just like a bullet hole would.

15)My answer:  A thatched roof

16)My answer:  People get caught up in their lies and they keep doing it and
doing it. You have to cover one lie with another lie and it keeps going.

Statistics-My issue poll

Issue:  Cleaning up the environment.
Question:  Why is a clean environment so important?

Poll Questions:
1) Do you consider recycling to be an important?
A. Yes
B.  No
C.  Haven’t really thought about it

2) How much time would you be willing to give to a clean up project?
A.  None
B.  1 hour
C.  A day
D.  Whenever I have time

3) How would it make you feel if your neighborhood was littered and not taken
care of?
A.  Doesn’t matter to you
B.  Kind of irritates you
C.  Makes you want to move
D.  Makes you want to help clean it up

4) Did you know that when littler decomposes it releases poisonous gasses
into the air you breathe? 
A.  Yes
B.  No
C.  Maybe, can’t remember

5) Now knowing what litter can do to our air, what would you do
A.  Nothing
B.  Not litter as much
C.  Never littler, always throw my trash away
D.  Make sure to never littler and even pick up other littler if I see it

6) How does it make you when you go to a public place and it is littered and
not taken care of?
A.  Doesn’t bother me
B.  Makes me kind of uncomfortable
C.  Never want to go back

Poll Results

I was able to get 20 people to answer my poll questions and here are the results

1) Do you consider recycling to be an important?
A. 45% said Yes
B. 20% said No
C. 35% said They haven’t really thought about it

2) How much time would you be willing to give to a clean up project?
A.  30% said None
B.  25% said 1 hour
C.  40% said 1 day
D.  5% said Whenever I have time

3) How would it make you feel if your neighborhood was littered and not taken care of?
A.  20% said Doesn’t matter to you
B.  40% said Kind of irritates you
C.  30% said Makes you want to move
D.  10% said Makes you want to help clean it up

4) Did you know that when littler decomposes it releases poisonous gasses into the air you breathe? 
A.  15% said Yes
B.  65% said No
C.  20% said Maybe, can’t remember

5) Now knowing what litter can do to our air, what would you do differently?
A.  10% said Nothing
B.  15% said Not litter as much
C.  45% said Never littler, always throw my trash away
D.  30% said Make sure to never littler and even pick up other littler if I see it

6) How does it make you when you go to a public place and it is littered and not taken care of?
A.  20% said Doesn’t bother me
B.  35% said Makes me kind of uncomfortable
C.  45% said Never want to go back

I was suprised by some of the results, it's interesting to see what people think about an issue especially one like cleaning up the environment!

Reflection #1

For week one I accomplished exercises for three chapters, read the chapters
in my book that were needed in order to take the exercise tests, chose an issue
along with an organization, introduced myself in the reading café, answered the
test questions that were sent through email, sent you my personal information,
and set up an ePortfolio website.  I have done pretty good so far when I have
taken the tests.  I did miss some questions and took notes when I did miss
questions to help me get one hundred percent the next time I took the test.  No,
I did not have any problem sending the chapter results just wasn’t sure at first
how I was suppose to send them, but I figured out the proper way to send them
was through the Process Tab.  I learned quit a few things this past week from
doing the exercises, such as in chapter one I had to look up the meaning of
words sense I didn’t already know them.  I knew how to read a paragraph and be
able to summarize what it was about, but I feel like I am better at it now from
doing the exercises. 

Data and Graphs Reflection

Reading the assigned pages on data and graphs helped me to see how much they
help you to understand and visualize all the information.  Lists of numbers,
percentages, and a lot of information are hard to read, but when they are put
into some sort of graph it’s very helpful to understand all of the data.  After
reading the pages I realized how there are several different types of graphs and
how they each help to understand data, they are just presented in different
ways.  Bar graphs help you to see and compare things in different categories. 
To me a pie graph is something I would use if I had to show my husband where the
percentage of our money goes each month.  A pie graph helps you to visualize and
realize how much of whatever is being discussed, is being used and it breaks it
down for you to see.  Another way I learned to show information is through a
chart.  It’s so simple to do and helped me to better understand exactly what was
being discussed and compared.  The chart was broken up into three columns:
demographic group, and unemployment group rate in 2002 and 1999.  It clearly
shows you how the unemployment rate numbers differ in 2002 and 1999 and it also
breaks it down to show those numbers for each demographic group.  To me reading
data from graphs is a much easier way to understand rather than just reading a
paragraph and a lot more enjoyable way to learn.

Cartoons Reflection

Understanding an inference is important to understand.  You have to be able
to interpret and understand the message that is trying to be portrayed, such as
cartoons.  Being a critical reader includes being able to read something and
break it down to find out the meaning.  With cartoons you have to be able to
look at the picture that was drawn, the little or no words that are written, and
be able to interpret and understand the meaning or purpose of the cartoon.  You
have to be able to do that same thing when your reading, whatever it might be. 
I like the way they describe it in the critical reading book, “a cartoon strips
a situation down to it’s essential elements, and the careful reader must piece
those elements together to make connections.”  I think that is a great way to
describe how to read cartoons and to being a good critical reader. Reading and
looking at the cartoons in the book made me realize how much information you can
portray in just one picture.  So much information can be behind a picture and
just a few words.  Critical reading is not one of my strong points and just
hearing the words critical reading it makes me step back a little because it
sounds so complicated and possibly hard.  Reading the chapters and the pages for
this assignment helps me to better understand the meaning of critical reading
and how it’s not a scary concept, but something that once I fully learn will
greatly benefit me.  

Tried to upload my cartoon picture here, but the website wouldn't let me so here is the URL to see it.

Photographs Reflection

Understanding an inference helps to understand a photograph and it’s meaning,
just like you would a cartoon.  Part of being a critical reader is understanding
and breaking down the information your taking in.  It also entails knowing where
the information is coming from and if it is a reliable source.  It is important
to read about an author and who finances their work because their work could
easily be tampered with, not their own work, and or someone who isn’t known for
doing accurate work.  When you can look more up about the author your able to
learn more information on them such as: where they get their information, what
kind of work they do, and personal information.  It makes you feel better about
their work and that you can trust the work they do.  The two images of the map
on pages 295-296 makes you realize how easy it is to change an image and the
meaning of the image.  A different perception of something can change everything
about it and that goes back to why it is important to read about an author.  The
photograph of the African American girl being harassed by all the Caucasian
people doesn’t even need a caption or explanation.  Just by looking at it you
see the hatred in everyone’s eyes as they look at her and you can come to a
conclusion of what that photograph represents, which to me is racism and
segregation.  A photograph can represent so many different things and a critical
reader needs to be to figure out and understand it’s meaning.

Here is the photograph I picked that has to do with my issue-cleaning up the environment. 

Reflection #2

In the second week I have accomplished quite a bit.  I finished and submitted
the chapter 1-7 exercises, chapter 1-2, chapter 1-5 and chapter 6-7 practice
tests.  I worked on my eportfolio and added new things to my website.  I also
have completed the data and graphs, cartoons, and photograph reflections. 

I learned a lot of new things during week two such as:  the importance of
reading about an author, how to look and better understand photographs and
cartoons, and that for me graphs help me to understand information a lot easier
than reading. I also learned cartoons and photographs can make such a big impact
on people and mean so many things without saying anything.  All of this has
helped me to be better at analyzing things and helped me to become a better
critical reader. 

My organization The Grove believes in loving and serving the world.  They
have done so many great things across the world like sent shoes to people in
Malawi who didn’t have any shoes and have gone to Liberia to help build a bible
college and set up medical tents among other things. So many people across the
world live in poverty and need the support and love of others to help them.  The
Grove is always in need of more volunteers and resources to help clean up and
rebuild communities.  I am so grateful to be apart of The Grove and help give
back.  I learned so many people that don’t live too far from me are in desperate
need of help.  I feel like it is my responsibility to help them and make their
lives better!

Public Advertisement

When looking at signs you become interested, wanting to go buy the product or
believe what you saw and read, but that is clouding your rational thinking.  You
have no idea what the product may have in it, what it’s side effects could be,
and or if it even works.  I think the better looking the advertisement is the
more it appeals to people and the more they want that product or believe it. 
For instance if you were to see and advertisement for a restaurant with pictures
of their food that looked gross you wouldn’t want to eat there, it didn’t look
appealing.  On the other hand it you saw an advertisement with pictures of
amazing food you would be a lot more interested in that restaurant, including
me!  Not all advertisements are meant for everyone, some are specifically made
to appeal to a certain age or group of people.  That is not always the case
though such as with alcohol advertisements it is meant for people twenty one
years or older, but it seams to appeal and catch the attention of people under
the legal drinking age.  To me that is another example of why advertisements can
cloud people’s rational thinking.  When I look at an advertisement it appeals to
me when it catches my eye and looks nice.  Another thing that appeals to me is a
catchy logo or saying that will stick with me and I‘ll remember, and if it is a
product that I feel like I need or would benefit from. 

Public Advertisement/Announcement for my issue:
China said they vow to clean up rural environment.  I thought
this fit perfectly with my issue of cleaning up the environment as well as a
public announcement or advertisement we were assigned to find.


Language and Its Effect on the Reader Reflection

I learned quite a few new words and there meanings when I read the material. 
I learned the definition of denotation which is the literal or explicit meaning
of a word; often called the dictionary definition (on page 189).  I also learned
the definition or connotation which is the cluster of suggestions, ideas, or
emotional associations a word carries ( page 189).  I liked Language and Its Effect on the Reader Reflection
what Richard Altick
said because it‘s true about most things you need a lot of practice before being
good at something.  Altick said in the book, “No one can teach you sensitivity
to connotation, it comes from practice and experience.”  Something that I
already knew and my parents taught me was the importance of word choice and how
you want to come across or be perceived by what your saying.  I didn’t know that
avoiding clichés is what a good writer does (page 211).  I also learned a new
literary term, satire which refers to a type of writing that seeks to expose
folly or wickedness, to hold human behavior up to ridicule and show what would
be more desirable (page 262). 

I posted in the reading cafe that I found that had to do with my issue I chose.


The  purpose of an editorial is for a editor or publisher to get across their
thoughts and opinions and to publicize that.  Part of being a critical reader is
being able to understand and analyze what they are trying to say and what their
purpose is for saying what they have.  I never knew what a fallacy was or what
it meant until I read in the book.  It is interesting to me that a fallacy is
pretty much something that is not true or does not have valid reasoning behind
it.  That is something you have to watch for and be aware that it could happen
any time like in an editorial for example.  The argument may appeal to us and
get us to agree with them, but always be sure it is the truth and that is
something that makes up a good critical reader.  Even though the words
connotation and denotation sound some what similar they have different meanings.
  Connotation are things associated with the word and denotation is the word’s
real meaning.  I have heard these words before, but was not a hundred percent on
their individual meanings so it was good to get a refresher course on that and
relearn something.  Overall it is important to understand someone’s purpose and
meaning behind what they are saying or trying to get across especially in an
editorial and to be a good critical reader.  Also good to remember to listen for
and be able to pick up on fallacies in editorials.

Lou Gehrig's Speech

 1.  What were the interests and concerns of the audience the speaker was
addressing?  (Consider the history of the time.) Was the audience supportive of,
neutral, or hostile to the speaker's position?  How well did the speaker adapt
to his/her audience?

My Answer:  The interest and concerns of the audience he was addressing were whether or
not he would continue playing, what was the reason he stopped playing baseball,
and if he would be ok.  The audience was supportive and cheered Lou Gehrig.  Lou
seemed a little shy of speaking, but I think adapted pretty well to his audience
and got across what he was trying to say to them.

2.  How did the speaker express his purpose in what he had to say?  How did
he use  logic to bring the audience into listening to him?  What was the
resulting emotion as the speech was concluded?

My Answer:  The speaker expressed his purpose and the logic he uses to bring the audience
to listen to him was by him never complained he simply stated he had a bad
break, but was blessed with such an amazing career, family, friends, his
baseball team, and fans.  The resulting emotion as the speech concluded was
quietness, sad, and shocking moment for everyone and you could tell by his body
language and expression that it was emotional and upsetting his career was

3.  Were there aesthetic elements that helped the speech to be tightly woven
and eloquent?  Did the speaker use language elements, such as repetition or
beautiful prose, to make his or her points or other language effects?  

My Answer:  He used different tones through out his speech such as thankfulness,
happiness’s, and sadness.  He talked about his point of view on the matter and
how he had a bad break, but so far had experienced a great life and had great
things to live for.  Lou used repetition in a sense of showing all the ways he
had been so blessed in his life. 

Abraham Lincoln’s Speech

1.  What were the interests and concerns of the audience the speaker was
addressing?  (Consider the history of the time.) Was the audience supportive of,
neutral, or hostile to the speaker's position?  How well did the speaker adapt
to his/her audience? 

My Answer:  The audience Abraham Lincoln was addressing were those concerned
with the Civil War and the North fighting the South.  Some of the audience was
supportive of the speech, other were neutral, and there were others that were
hostile to the speakers position.  The country was very divided at that point
hence the war against the North and South that was taking place at that

2.  How did the speaker express his purpose in what he had to say?  How did
he use  logic to bring the audience into listening to him?  What was the
resulting emotion as the speech was concluded?

My Answer:  He used emotion to express his purpose in what he had to say.  He
used logic by saying was happening and we can’t forget the ones who died and
were trying to make the future better for everyone, it to move forward from the
Civil War.  The resulting emotion as the speech concluded was that there will be
a new meaning of freedom, the government and the people should not parish

3.  Were there aesthetic elements that helped the speech to be tightly woven
and eloquent?  Did the speaker use language elements, such as repetition or
beautiful prose, to make his or her points or other language effects? 

My Answer:  Abraham used repetition to get across to the people how important
it was to move forward, but to always remember the people who gave their lives
and times for the cause.  His speech to me was meant to be emotional and reach
to the hearts of everyone.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Speech

1.  What were the interests and concerns of the audience the speaker was
addressing?  (Consider the history of the time.) Was the audience supportive of,
neutral, or hostile to the speaker's position?  How well did the speaker adapt
to his/her audience? 

My Answer:  Martin Luther King was addressing the audiences concerns on
segregation and how we should all be equals.  The audience was either supportive
of his speech and all being equal regardless of skin color or they were hostile
and didn’t agree with him.  He stayed calm and got across the message he wanted
to even though his audience either agreed or didn’t.

2.  How did the speaker express his purpose in what he had to say?  How did
he use  logic to bring the audience into listening to him?  What was the
resulting emotion as the speech was concluded?

My Answer:  He tried to express his purpose for his speech by reasoning’s and
comparing.  Martin Luther King talked about everyone being people, that we
should all be equal and be able to get along.  The resulting emotion as the
speech concluded was either happiness or being angry.

3.  Were there aesthetic elements that helped the speech to be tightly woven
and eloquent?  Did the speaker use language elements, such as repetition or
beautiful prose, to make his or her points or other language effects? 

My Answer:  He tried to express the importance of being equal and how
segregation shouldn’t be supported.  To me in his speech he tried to paint a
picture for everyone to see of how the world could be if there was no
segregation and we all got along as equals.


Video speech on my issue

I was not able to find  famous speech having to do with my issue of picking of trash and rebuilding neighborhoods, but I did come across an interesting news clip.  The new clip is a nation wide effort to clean up neighborhoods and parks which I thought fit perfectly with the issue I chose, plus the news clip is in Phoenix, Arizona!

Here is the video URL:

Reflection #3

In week three I have learned how advertisements can influence someone good or
bad and how easily they can catch peoples attention.  I learned that
bill boards, commercials, and ads are a huge part of selling merchandise or a
way to get someone to think and feel about something.  When I was reading in the
book on language and the effect on its reader I never fully understood how
important your word choice is, but after reading that I realize how crucial your
word choice is and when and where to use certain language.  It is so true how
language can effect a reader and how they interpret what they read.  In reading
editorials I never knew how vital it was to learn about the author or writer and
to make sure they are a reliable source of information.  It makes sense though,
you would want to write a school paper and be getting you information from a
legitimate source, so it is defiantly important to check the author out before
using their information.  Also very important to give credit where credit is due
because that is someone else’s work your using not your own and you should
always cite the person’s information you used.  Plus it is good to do that so
you can look back and know who you got that information from and be able to look
it up again if need be. Reading Abraham Lincoln’s and Martin Luther King Jr.’s
speeches was such a big part of history and to have to read them in detail and
answers questions after was educational.  To me all three famous speech’s had an
emotional tone to them and trying to appeal to the audience they were speaking
too.  I don’t think people realize how big a part the audiences role is in a
speech, but it is and it sets a certain mood of the speech depending on how the
audience is reacting to it.  As volunteering is going I met up with the
organization and we picked up trash in neighborhoods, streets, and parks through
out the Phoenix area.  It was great to be apart of something that was doing good
and giving back to the world we live in.

Final Reflection

The past four weeks have been a mix of emotions and learning curves for me. 
It was frustrating at times, but a great reward once I understood and did it
correctly.  I did learn quite a bit especially a lot of new things from the critical reading book.  I
learned how important it was to have a valid argument and a solid foundation of
information to be able to have a valid argument.  Also how it is very important to know more about
the author or source from where you get your information.  Not having valid information can
ruin your whole argument and loose a lot of peoples interests instead of persuading
them to agree with you.  Another thing I learned while taking this class were all the
different steps it takes to being a good critical reader and understanding what you are reading. 
Before this class I found myself just skimming pages really fast and trying to get the
general information on what I was reading, but after this class I realized the
importance of reading everything and trying to comprehend it all together.  I have been wanting to
give service for along time, but was not sure on where to give service.  Having to think
of a place we wanted to give service really made me think and I thought cleaning up the
environment was the perfect issue for me, especially since I hate when people litter and
when things are not kept nice.  It was a great push in the right direction to be able
decide and to do a service project.  It was an amazing opportunity to be apart of and to feel
like your making a difference in the world, even if it is just one little step at a time it is
a start.  To me taking care of our environment is something everyone should see as important
since we all live in the environment and it is the only one we have, we should take
great care of it.  I can confidently say I learned from this class and will be able to apply
what I have learned in life and in other classes to follow.